Probably using just the mouse that comes with the tablet and the pen would result in fewer problems. Ksynaptic or qsynaptic should be able to disable the built in trackpad on the laptop. We need some testing in order to find out if the problems with function-keys that were present in xorg under Lucid are solved in Maverick. On older Ubuntu versions The support for this tablet is very flaky in Ubuntu 5. Add udev-rule, that matches attributes which uniquely identify our device and adds a symlink: Having an easily restored working version of xorg. If anything goes wrong in the steps below, you could be prevented from booting into X.
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Note that at the time of this writing there's a bug that causes X to restart when you unplug your tablet: There is a newer module to update for kernel 2. If, after following the instructions below, your tablet functions using only the minimal fail-safe evdev drivers or has other problems, try changing the name medikn the aiptek.

MEDION 2 in 1 tekentablet E (MD ) | #dagaanbieding… | Flickr

Make sure the aiptek module is loaded and the tablet is tekemtablet in! Removing the entries for wacom I don't have one so i hoped disabling the entry might help caused several errors in xorg since the server section had entries for the wacom tablet.

But hotplug has been replaced with udev.

Then we must configure the xorg driver. After this, sketching using GIMP was quite easy, but tracing was a lot more difficult.

In case your buttons won't work, it may be due to some work yet to be done on the driver in order to make it interact better with newer version of xserver, but first of all check your stylus mevion I had buttons working much better after replacing mine.

I found if I set some points on the edges of my sketch I could kind of calibrate the pen so Medoin wouldn't drift too far off. The main problem is setting the correct configuration.

Is there a way so that xorg can just ignore this entry and start without it? If the tablet plays around like the "absolute" option isn't all that "absolute" to your screen, or pressure sensitivity doesn't work tekejtablet all, try using the aiptek CVS.

Aiptek using ms programming speed [ Having an easily restored working version of xorg. X driver is now in xorg, and kernel driver in kernel development.

Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander)

Page History Login to edit. Follow instructions for Lucid Lynx that you find on this page, but pay tekenttablet because the location where you have to put the X server config file has changed again: Issues Once pressure-sensitivity is enabled, programs such as GIMP with it enabled in preferences have a weird bug where the tablet has locked focus and never registers that the pen is off of the tablet, thus locking up the mouse from anything else and will continue to draw forever unless GIMP is killed.

Wacom driver Some tablets U, U, U seems to use Wacom drivers, if you experience problems with button presses Your mouse pointer freezesbut you can move the cursor try the updated packets for Wacom.

This should work also for previous versions of Ubuntu as This is easily fixed at least with every version of the aiptek kernel and X drivers I have used so far. The xserver-xorg-input-aiptek package must be installed to use this tablet.

Add udev-rule, that matches attributes which uniquely identify our device and adds a symlink: As a final note, be aware that at present tablet's function-keys won't work under Lucid as X server 1. In this case open a terminal and try: This tablet is also known as a Dolphin, Medion Aldi tabletNisis and other generic brands.

Before beginning you should back up your current version of xorg. On older Ubuntu versions Tekentableg support for this tablet is very flaky in Ubuntu 5.

Gaiptek in svn is unmaintained.

MEDION 2 in 1 tekentablet E82008 (MD 86302)

Ubuntu does have the module in the kernel and the X11 driver, but they don't work very well and need to be replaced with the ones from CVS especially the xorg driver.

Get Information about your device by plugging it in and calling dmesg tail which should you give something like this: Button mapping will be tementablet at session restart, so you must add it to session startup configuration if you want to make it permanent.

You need a rule now which detects the tablet info and creates the right device entry.

Partners Support Community Ubuntu. Setup This tablet is a little tricky to set up, but this is what I have done to get it to work at least in Wine Photoshop 7:
